Friday, March 9, 2012

Welcoming 2012 with Open Arms

Well, it has been way too long since I have updated the farm blog. Since the last check in, many things have occurred. We had a successful corn maze season, harvested our corn and soybeans, and have been preparing for 2012 all winter long.
The harvest last fall was a disaster. Due to drought conditions throughout the 2011 growing season, our yields were under half of what we normally run. Thanks to crop insurance we were able to stay in business for another year.
The corn maze & fall festival went really well except for the last weekend when we got "snowed" out! That weekend sums up my whole perspective of 2011.  Have you ever had that feeling where no matter what you do or how hard you try, things just keep going in the opposite direction? Well, that is how I felt.
If I took one thing out of the whole season, it was that you have to remain mentally strong. 
My family and I have been busy preparing for the 2012 season. With a positive outlook on things, I truly believe this year can be a success. We have a nice looking crop of wheat beginning to grow(planted last fall), and are currently preparing land for our spring planting. We intend on planting alfalfa hay towards the end of this week. Check back in & enjoy pictures we accumulated over the past 6 months!!

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