Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Magnificent Weather

Wow! This weather makes me think it's May already!! We have really been taking advantage of it on the farm. We are busy this week doing all kinds of different chores. We are still preparing our field to seed alfalfa. We have been disking it to prepare an ideal seedbed for the new crop. Disking works up the soil and levels it out.

We also just finished applying Nitrogen fertilizer to our wheat crop. The nitrogen along with these above average temps will allow the wheat to really take off and begin growing at a good pace. We are also preparing to seed tomato plants in our greenhouse. We are planting both large fruited tomatoes and smaller, cherry tomatoes. We will eventually plant them in our garden to harvest for our roadside market. Are any of you thinking about getting out into the garden yet?? I know that our local supermarket already has pansies available.
Until next time, enjoy this beautiful weather!!

The seedbed for our alfalfa crop

It is about a 15 acre field

The disk harrow which smooths out the field

Our wheat crop beginning to grow

Wheat field. We have about 50 acres planted this season

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