Saturday, March 17, 2012

Seeding Alfalfa

As the old adage goes in farming, "we hit the ground running" this past week. It's been a while since I've spent a 12 hour day working at the farm, but it felt good. We completed all of the work we anticipated getting done. We planted our field of alfalfa and also finished all of our spring plowing. In the plowed fields we will be raising corn this season. Corn is planted in mid-April after the soils have ample time to warm up for proper germination. Alfalfa can be planted as soon as the weather permits. It thrives on cool, damp conditions. This is the earliest we have ever planted alfalfa on our farm. That's 115 years!! That really says something. Lol.
We will most likely begin planting our tomato seeds anyday now and continue to prep for corn planting season. It looks like these above average temperatures are going to stick around for a while. Enjoy!!

In the field planting alfalfa with John Deere & Grain Drill

Plowing up land for corn planting

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