Sunday, June 5, 2011

Soybean Seeding

John Deere Tractor Pulling Grain Drill

It sure was a busy week!!! Aside from baling all of our hay, we also planted this years crop of soybeans. We plant Pioneer brand soybeans. The soybean seed is dumped into the seed box on our John Deere grain drill and the drill plants the seeds about 1 inch deep into the soil. The grain drill keeps the rows of soybeans exactly15 inches apart for maximum yield potential. Soybeans are a much tougher crop to grow than corn or wheat. On corn or wheat, you can simply add high amounts of nitrogen to boost yields but it is not that simple with soybeans. If your soil fertility is not near perfect, your yield results will suffer greatly. Soil pH readings must be between 6-7 and potash fertilizer needs to be applied to the soil. Soybeans need plenty of potash fertilizer to produce beans. The soybean planting is complete and now we need a little bit of rain to help with germination. Guess we will leave that up to Mother Nature.

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