Sunday, July 10, 2011

Wheat Harvest Videos

Straw Baling

Raking the Sea of Straw

Making Small Bales of Straw
Loading up "Big Bales" of Straw
After the wheat is harvested, the straw is left in the field to be baled.  We are making both small bales and big bales this year.  We are in the process of doing this right now.

The Wheat Harvest !

Resting after a hard day's work
This past weekend, the wheat harvest took place.  The John Deere combine goes through the field harvesting the wheat.  It thrashes the grain from the plant, putting the grain in a storage bin in the machine while expunging the straw out the back.  The grain is unloaded onto a truck which hauls the grain to the mill where it is sold for either bread or animal feed.  Wheat yields exceeded expectations due to above-average weather conditions and farm management practices. 

Racing the Storm

Thursday, 7/8 - Attempting to Plant Soybeans
No sooner than we rolled into the field with the soybean planter, Mother Nature rolled us with a thunderstorm.  Not much rain, just enough to mess up our plans.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Meet Hurricane Hill's New Mascot - Cornelius !

New this year - Hurricane Hill's mascot - Cornelius!!  Cornelius will make special guest appearances from time to time at our farm market stands.  And we're hoping he'll stop back during Corn Maze season.  Stop out and say hello!

Building the Corn Maze !!

Delivering the maze game stations to the field

Mr. Nields & Farmer Ed installing the maze game station - Liberty Bell
 This week, aside from being very busy with the market stands, we spent over three hours in the corn maze field installing the game station posts.  We do this during the summer months before the corn gets too tall.  So we were out there exploring around the maze, yes - getting lost!!! Just like you will this Fall!

We were also busy making second cut Alfalfa hay.